A well-planned and executed message strategy can change minds, motivate action, and inspire people to care. Learn how to engage the listeners by framing your points thematically and expressing them creatively.
Learn how to:
- Frame an issue
- Think strategically
- Connect with target audiences
- Translate complexity
- Create sound bites with impact
We help climate scientists demystify the impact of climate change, child welfare advocates protect kids, economists clarify policy and political candidates share a vision.
We can help you, too.
The 5 C’s of Message Development
Clarity, Connection, Compelling, Concise, and Continual.
These principles ensure your message is tailored to the target audience with a well-defined purpose. Learn how to use the 5 C’s principles to articulate your issue, position, or idea. We are the experts at helping translate complex, technical information so you can reach decision maker, stake holders and the general public.
We do our homework and learn your issue so we can lead you through the message development process. Utilizing real-world case studies and video clip examples of success and disaster you learn what works and why. Every training session includes a written message development exercise for your entire team.